About Actor Dennis Treading the Boards at Karamu Theatre

December 1, 2023

Reginald Kelly Obituary

Please listen to dear Reggie’s SPECIAL MESSAGE TO ALL. It is @ Counter # 12:38 …


December 6, 2023 … Copied from our Facebook Page for Dennis … 
“Sad … that we lost a dear Soul. But, glad that we had such a creative one (albeit for too short a time). Legendary Theatrical-Triple-Threat, Reggie Kelly. RIP.
‘Dennis, set it up!’  A plan to reunite … with an act ala “RK & DC Together Again”. He was going to come over to our house during the holidays. Time went on. It didn’t happen. But, his memory is a Blessing.”
Backstory of when they first met. It was in 2000 at Karamu House. There Director-Reggie auditioned Musician-Dennis.
Dennis Chandler was called “a GODSEND” … and … “the RIGHT ONE FOR THE ROLE” … by the DIRECTOR, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CAST and CREW, alike. Why? The show was ALREADY 5 WEEKS into REHEARSAL … just 2 NIGHTS AWAY from its FIRST PREVIEW NIGHT … and they STILL HAD NO GUITARIST. Why? …
To explain, Director Reggie said, “Of all the guitarists who auditioned, many had a FEEL for Blues music … but … none could READ music.”
He said … “Spunk is a THEATRICAL PLAY and as such … there is a partial SCORE that … the composer wants PLAYED AS WRITTEN.” (Dennis was grateful his teachers taught him to read!)
Grateful, too for that “HEY RUBE!” call, (to use show-biz-vernacular). It was made by my John Adams High School classmate … MY FELLOW REBEL … Sue Johnson. She was responsible for what became a fabulous, fun, fulfilling fellowship. Thank you, Sue!
What a Sizzling Six Week Long Soulful Summer. A real rockin’ success. Many friendships were made … during rehearsals … and … the run of the show. Which by the way, was … Sold Out with SRO.
Their efforts were rewarded later when The Karamu Actors Guild gave “Best Director” to Reggie Kelly and Outstanding Performance Award for “Best Ensemble”. That can NOT ever be duplicated. Reggie’s gone. But we are rewarded with these memories.
Two links follow.
On Nov. 21, 2023 … we received a call from Ideastream Public Media’s Senior Reporter / Producer Kabir Bhatia. He gently broke the news to us … that dear Reggie had passed. We reminisced and shared our thoughts with Kabir … as did others who also had a deep respect for Reggie. Read on …
Also in that 2023 .. published PRINT interview is the link to the 2000 .. ON-AIR interview. It was done by … WCPN 90.3 Reporter DEE PERRY. She interviewed LIVE … Director Reggie, Actress Joyce Meadows and Musician Dennis. THAT INTERVIEW WAS IMPORTANT TO REGGIE … AS HE WANTED TO EDUCATE PEOPLE. Sooo …
FIRST, one will hear them talk … about the three tales told in the stage play … and its African-American author, Zora Neale Hurston. She was a world-renowned novelist, short story writer and anthropologist. The folklorist helped to lead the Harlem Renaissance. Another important leading figure was her friend … Poet Laureate, Langston Hughes. (BTW: In his youth … Langston lived and wrote in the attic of a house in Fairfax … later treaded the boards at Karamu!) Back to ’bout the interview ’bout Spunk …
SECONDLY, one will hear in the WCPN interview … authentic MUSICAL representation of that era’s culture as sung and played by Dennis Chandler as “Guitar Man”.
Also spot on? Authentic delivery of some of the the script’s DISTINCT DIALOGUE … samplings spoken by the three. It’s worth tuning in for fifteen minutes (actually 15:39) … to hear them.
LISTEN .. as Dennis TALKS … about the BLUES @ counter # 4:15 … then PLAYS & SINGS … the Blues @ counter # 9:35

LISTEN .. to .. THE DUET of .. “I’M TOO GOOD LOOKING FOR YOU” … SUNG by Musician-Dennis Chandler as “Guitar Man” … and Joyce Meadows as “Blues Speak Woman”. Their finale has them joining in harmony, (so to speak). Would that could … happen again …


About Zora Neale Hurston … go to …
About Langston Hughes … go to … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langston_Hughes
About Dennis Chandler & DC’s Long Bio … go to https://dennischandler.com/

For six wonderful weeks back in 2000 …  was it KISMET or KARMA at play at KARAMU? It must have been meant to be … that Dennis got to a chance to thread the same boards as so many talented theatre folks did, back in the day … (as they say).  For example, the great black poet laureate, Langston Hughes. He, along with Elmer Rice, was a collaborator of composer Kurt Weill. Who are they? For the Uniformed …




Why the mentions and links? Well, Dennis’ late mother … Marguerite  … maiden name was Weill aka Weily.

Marge Weill was also related to the Marx family … and branches included zany vaudevillians like the Marx Brothers. Anyway that fun Karamu connection? Marge’s Uncle Henry owned and operated Marx Dry Cleaners located in the neighborhood (on Wade Park, I believe at the corner of E. 86th Street). His business was patronized by many theatrical types … the locals and the ones who came through town while touring the Vaudeville circuit. So are those tales that were told … about how the troupers would take their costumes to be cleaned ’round the corner … then how they would wait their time out … at this theatre called, “Karamu” (Swahili means “a place for joyful meeting”). 

Myth or fact. Does not matter to Den. Hallowed ground is Hallowed ground as in Good Vibes. In this case… those vibes seemed to be there for Trouper Dennis. Playing Karamu … again … was it KISMET … or … was it KARMA for him? (I know … from where I sat … watching the rehearsals and the performances … it was pure JOY. .

Thank you again, Sue Johnson for making Dennis’ take that “Hey, Rube!” call-for-help from Karamu. Special thanks again to director Reggie Kelly for shepherding him in “Spunk”.     




Back to Dennis doing the blues at Karamu:

Singing and performing in the role of “Guitar Man” …  the only musician in George C. Wolfe‘s Spunk, earned Dennis and the cast an ensemble award … (more about that below). He said he loved doing this play … which was based on fables from the pen of Zora Neale Hurston. Why? Because of the words. The Harlem Renaissance folklorist’s words. Not only did they inspire the blues music … written by composer Chic Streetman … (that Dennis had to duplicate nightly) … but they also inspired the Guitar Man’s  improvisations.

How Did It Go?… Great. Not only did they get rave reviews from the critics … but from nightly audiences as well. So many that they received Outstanding Performance Awards from the Karamu Actors Guild for Best Ensemble and Best Director.

About Those Rave Reviews …

In the July 19, 2000 issue of the Cleveland Free Times theater critic James Damico gave a rave review of the play Spunk.

In the July 6, 2000 issue of Scene magazine theater critic Keith Joseph gave a rave review of the play Spunk.

More About Those Awards …

Two Outstanding Performance Awards went to “Spunk”. The Karamu Actors Guild awarded Reggie Kelly for Best Direction and the Best Ensemble award went to the cast which included Cornell Calhoun, S. J. Hannah, Terri Singleton, Kelvin Willingham, Joyce Meadows as Blues Speak Woman and Dennis Chandler as Guitar Man.

More about the play …

Spunk” was adapted by Tony award winner George C. Wolfe and is based on three fables from folklorist and Harlem Renaissance writer Zora Neale Hurston. Her trio of tales transcends cultural differences and addresses universal values. The play combines the richness of African-American dialogue with the underscored sultry sounds of the blues. It is a tender, intimate look at man’s common yearning to live a better life.

More about the music in the play …

Composer Chic Street Man aka Chic Streetman … wrote the songs, along with the scored musical interludes. The author has also written in where the play’s lone musician, Guitar Man, may improvise.

Plus this production at Karamu featured that character … Guitar Man … as played by Dennis …singing two songs by the great bluesman Jimmy Reed. Since this bluesmaster was another one Dennis had the blessing of working with … he was overjoyed to sing and play Reed’s “Honey, What’s Wrong?” and “Bright Lights,Big City”. (More about that below.)

More about the Karamu Performing Arts Theatre ….

Karamu was first known as the Playhouse Settlement. It was founded by two white social workers, Rowena & Russell Jelliffe, as a recreation center. It became nationally known for its dedication to interracial theater and the arts. It is the oldest African-American Cultural Arts Center and the oldest African-American Theater in the United States.

Listed as a National Historic Landmark, the complex is located at E. 89th & Quincy in the city’s Fairfax community. That ‘hood is also home to another world-renowned institution, the Cleveland Clinic just two blocks north. Karamu is Swahili for “a place of joyful meeting”.


More about Dennis’ part in the play ….

As the only musician, “Guitar Man” had more than a couple of interesting musical moments. He was seen throughout the three fables, playing his acoustic guitar, punctuating action with music. During most of that time, Dennis was seen and heard from stage right.

Jimmy Reed  Why did Musician-Dennis as “Guitar Man” want to pay a little homage to Reed … aka one of his “teachers”?  Who was he? Reed was the first of the Chicago electric bluesmen to break through to the pop/rock market. Reed had fourteen hits for Vee Jay Records on the R&B charts between 1955 and 1966. Reed was an epileptic and this fact, plus his fascination for the bottle, constantly undermined his work. 

A priceless memory of the bluesman would come to mind nightly for “Guitar Man”. Why? The Reed songs resonated for him because way back in the day … and just a little way ’round the corner from Karamu … 7500 Euclid Avenue to be specific … was where DC got to do a gig with great Reed. It was at the old Quad Hall Hotel that housed the iconic club called “Leo’s Casino”.  

“Bright Lights, Big City” … was the Jimmy Reed song Dennis did … center-stage for his solo number. 

“I’m Too Good Looking for You” … another show-stopping number paired Dennis as  “Guitar Man” with Joyce Meadows as “Blues Speak Woman”. They sang a musical repartee in a duet that brought the house down. Scroll back up … to the link to hear Joyce and Dennis do a short reprise … for radio show host Dee Perry … (on that above mentioned WCPN interview).   

The third act opening-scene featured Dennis doing more music. Choreographer Reggie Kelly  had dancer Terri Singleton jumpin’ to the jivin’ guitar of “Guitar Man”.

Later in the third act, Dennis as “Guitar Man” did another Jimmy Reed song, “Honey What’s Wrong?”. Again Joyce Meadows as “Blues Speak Woman” got to boogie to the beat along with S.J. Hannah and the rest of the cast would join in singing, too.


About Dennis’ audition … to repeat …

Dennis was called “a Godsend” … and … “the right one for the role” … by the director, executive director, cast and crew, alike. Why? When the show was already 5 weeks into rehearsal and just 2 nights away from its first preview night … they still had no guitarist. To explain, Director Reggie said, “Of all the guitarists who auditioned, many had a feel for the blues … but …  none could read music.” He said … “Spunk is a theatrical play and as such … there is a partial score that … “the composer wants played … as written.” (Dennis was grateful his teachers taught him to read!) 

About playing the Blues ….

Take note, music students. Recall that adage about learning the theory behind the music one makes? At Dennis’ very own audition it proved so true. He said he was glad he could accommodate Reggie Kelly‘s vision of what the director wanted “the sheet music to do”. Another dictum that proved out? “Blues is a feeling not just a form. You can put form on paper but you can’t put feeling on paper!” He said he felt proud he could show good form along with good feeling, too, so to speak.

Back to about Karamu …

It is a known fact among actors, that being invited to perform there is an honor. Hence the reason so many actors who have “made it” i.e., on Broadway, in the movies, on television, etc., always come back to Karamu.

But, back to Karamu for Dennis ….

It meant doing “Spunk” was a homecoming of sorts. Being it’s an honor to be invited even once … coming back this second time was also really appreciated. To explain … It was back in ’94 that Dennis first did Karamu. It was thanks to arts acquaintance Dick Gregory and the humanitarian’s sister-in-law/ writer Martha Smith and cousin Web Fleming.

New Day Press Black History Month Celebration … hosted Musician Dennis Chandler and Singer Web Fleming. They were the only entertainers invited to perform. Accompanist Dennis did his duty and made … Baritone Web Fleming … a former Wings Over Jordan soloist … soar. 

About … the Wings Over Jordan Choir … for the Uniformed … go to ...  


They performed a program of … Blues … Gospel … and …Negro Spirituals.

 They especially enjoyed the standing ovation they received from a sold-out house.


To fully understand how meaningful it was for Dennis to play that same stage again, his “second time around” … fit and healthy … read this website’s page … recently re-titled …

“A Journey: Dennis Beats AML Leukemia” … go to …  https://dennischandler.com/index.php/the-journey/“.

To those involved at Karamu…. Dennis asked to post a shout out of thanks to the cast, crew and staff, who along with all the audiences there, made him feel so welcome. As a first time actor treading the boards, he relished the rave reviews and the awards. He gives thanks to all the folks there but, most of all; Dennis thanks God for opening the door.

Thanks again to all … and most of all … dear Reggie.  

Liz Chandler Web Writer aka “Mrs. Dennis” aka Archivist